
Athens NO!SE #85

Hey Moon! It's Personal

Γιώργος Δημητρακόπουλος

1. Air | Modulor Mix [1997/Source]

2. Portishead | Only You [1997/Go!Beat]

3. The xx | Shelter [Young Turks/2009]

4. Chromatics | Circled Sun [Italians Do It Better/ 2010]

5. Thieves Like Us | Forget Me Not [DeBonton/2010]

6. John Foxx | Underpass [Virgin/1980]

7. Poolside | Slow Down [Self-released/2012]

8. Pále | Orchidea [Fat! Records/2012]

9. Mala | Alicia [White Label/2007]

10. Kings Of Convenience vs Four Tet | The Weight Of My Words [Source/2001]

11. The Radio Dept. | It’s Personal [Labrador/2006]

12. Nicolas Jaar | I Got A Woman [Circus Company/2011]

13. Serge Gainsbourg | Je Suis Venu Te Dire Que Je M'en Vais [1973/Philips]

14. Molly Nillson | Hey Moon! [Dark Skies Association/2008]

*Intro jingle by Giganta