
Οι τετράποδες διασημότητες του διαδικτύου

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Instagram @Lionel And Lilo The Hedgehogs

Σκυλιά, γατιά, κουνέλια, γουρουνάκια, σκαντζόχοιρους, χελώνες, ινδικά χοιρίδια, ρακούν και αλεπούδες με χιλιάδες και εκατομμύρια followers

Δεν ξέρω πώς τα πηγαίνετε εσείς από followers, αλλά τα τετράποδα δεν φαίνεται να δυσκολεύονται πολύ να αποκτήσουν. Ο κόσμος τρέχει να ακολουθήσει και να κάνει likes σε χαριτωμένες ή και αστείες φατσούλες ζώων, με σκυλιά, γατιά, κουνέλια, γουρουνάκια, σκαντζόχοιρους, χελώνες, ινδικά χοιρίδια, ρακούν, ακόμα και αλεπούδες, να ακουμπάνε τους εκατομμύρια ακολούθους, την στιγμή που εμείς μπορεί να πασχίζουμε να φτάσουμε τριψήφιους αριθμούς.

Αν είσαι από αυτούς που βλέπεις τα διάσημα ζώα ως κάτι περίεργο, τότε μόνο μία εξήγηση υπάρχει. Μάλλον, δεν ακολουθείς αυτές τις τετράποδες διασημότητες:

Doug The Pug

Lionel And Lilo The Hedgehogs

Juniper Fox


Let’s talk about yesterday’s post. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of backlash we got for Fig’s new prosthetic, so for those confused or offended by the post I’d like to clear a few things up. ? Firstly, many of the comments were regarding how Fig “seemed” fine without the new leg. Most of our photos and videos are indoors and yes, he does just fine without his foot indoors! It’s outdoors that his leg gets sore, and outdoors that his prosthetic will predominantly be used. Not only will it help with that, but it will also help with joint problems he may have in the future as well. Wild animals do this crazy thing where they will hide any pain or physical issues because that would make them a target in the wild. Just because he seems fine, does not mean that his joints don’t ache, that his gate isn’t off, or that his shoulder and leg don’t hurt from the way they he’s adapted to use them. ? Other people stated that I shouldn’t have posted the video because they didn’t want to see him suffering. He was uncomfortable in the video, but did amazingly for an animal having something foreign strapped to his leg! I was really proud of how well he did for it being his very first time wearing this new contraption. He was only slightly uncomfortable, he wasn’t stressed, he would still take food and allow me to touch him. A truly stressed wild animal will bite, they will flail around, and they will release their bowels, among many other things. They do not respond when stressed, but Fig responded so well! The fact that he was completely unphased as soon as it was removed was also a great sign! ? As far as the video goes.. this page was never to be a cliche Instagram animal page. I’ve always shown every side of coexisting with the foxes. Naturally I’m going to show the raw experience of what fitting him with a prosthetic was really like. It’s not going to be a sweet @thedodo recovery video at first. Real life isn’t always magical with inspirational background music. It’s work, and dedication to an animal, even when uncomfortable, even when unaesthetic, it’s knowing that a little bit of stress now can lead to years of a better quality of life. #bionicfig

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη J U N I P E R & F I G (@juniperfoxx) στις


Ethel The Glamour Tort


Ludwik Guinea Pig

Hamlet the Piggy

Very Fat Rabbit

Pumpkin The Raccoon




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